Genealogy and Family History Research Guide

Frequently named one of the 75 Best Websites for US State Genealogy Research by Family Tree Magazine, SHSMO is committed to providing access to tools that help family historians uncover the stories of their ancestors and the impact historic events played in their lives.

Researchers at the State Historical Society of Missouri will find a wide variety of published and unpublished sources to help them discover their family history. The growing collection offers more than 4,000 newspaper titles from every Missouri county; over 250,000 books on state, local, and family history; thousands of manuscripts that include family and personal papers, oral histories, organizational and business records; maps; photographs; and an impressive art collection.

Getting Started

Available free from SHSMO On Demand, the 12-part video series Basic Genealogy provides strategies and tips for beginning and seasoned family history researchers. Presented by Bill Eddleman, a professional genealogist and the associate director of SHSMO's Cape Girardeau Research Center, each video in the series explores a different kind of record, detailing the kind of information that can be found and how to uncover it. View all twelve parts online for free.


Genealogists use newspapers to find information about births, marriages, deaths, legal transactions, business advertisements, and local events. Some newspapers publish full obituaries for local residents; others print only brief notices. Current daily newspapers of large cities usually print only a few lines about the deceased, but obituaries in small-town newspapers are generally more informative. Birth notices, marriage announcements, and anniversary notices can also provide useful information. Learn more about the Society's newspaper collection and how to access it or use the links below to get started.


SHSMO’s reference collection includes a wide variety of published sources for genealogists. Cemetery transcriptions, town and county histories, city directories, family histories, autobiographies, college periodicals, church histories, newspaper indexes, and genealogy society journals are available. The Missouri Surname Index provides citations to biographies in early Missouri county histories and to selected biographical items in newspapers, periodicals, vertical files and books, but is not available online at this time. Researchers can search the reference collection through the SHSMO online catalog. 


There are numerous types of manuscript collections but those listed under the subject headings of genealogy and family and personal papers are the most frequently used by genealogists. These collections may include letters, diaries, scrapbooks, and photographs kept by families or individuals. While these collections can be beneficial for genealogists, not every family is represented in SHSMO’s manuscript holdings.

SHSMO hosts freely available digital collections online. The Society's Genealogy and Family History Digital Collection includes several genealogical manuscript collections, including compilations of births, deaths, marriages, and other vital statistics and funeral home and cemetery records.

Visiting SHSMO

All researchers are welcome to use SHSMO’s resources in person. Holdings may be requested for use at any of the six SHSMO research centers but do not circulate outside SHSMO’s facilities and must be used on-site. Researchers must provide photo identification, and read and sign a rules and consent form before using manuscript material. Coats, bags, purses, and briefcases must be stored in a locker provided by SHSMO. There is no charge for reference assistance or use of the collections for patrons visiting SHSMO in person.

Genealogists may also access the paid online subscription service for free on computers at SHSMO’s Columbia Research Center. All six statewide SHSMO research centers are FamilySearch Affiliate Libraries. This provides on-site patrons access to digital genealogical collections that are otherwise accessible only through a FamilySearch family history center. Learn more about visiting SHSMO research centers.