Donate Collection Materials

Are you interested in donating art, books, newspapers, letters, diaries, photographs, maps, business and organizational records, or family papers to the State Historical Society of Missouri? Our mission is to collect, preserve, and make available materials documenting the history of our state and its people. Much of our collection has been created through the generosity of our members and friends.

If you are interested in donating materials, please use the form provided below. Be sure to complete this form completely and accurately with your full name, e-mail, and mailing address. This information will not be shared with any other entities.

Once the form has been submitted, a staff member from one of our Research Centers across the state will contact you to make arrangements to discuss the donation process, examine the material, and, if necessary, discuss any concerns you may have. Please provide as much information as possible, since this will help us establish whether our repository or another Missouri repository would be most suitable for your materials.

If you have questions about the value of your material, SHSMO cannot perform a formal appraisal for tax purposes due to potential conflicts of interest.

For more information on the types of materials SHSMO is interested in acquiring for our manuscript collection, please see the frequently asked questions

Donate a Collection