Missouri S&T history professor Dr. Petra DeWitt explores homegrown extremists during World War II. This program is part of the series "Missourians and the Holocaust" sponsored by Missouri S&T Archives and the State Historical Society of Missouri Rolla Research Center. The program aired on Zoom Oct.20, 2022.
About the Presenter
Petra DeWitt is an assistant professor of history at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. She holds a PhD in history from the University of Missouri–Columbia. Her 2012 book, Degrees of Allegiance: Harassment and Loyalty in Missouri's Germany-American Community during World War I, won the State Historical Society’s Missouri Book Award. Recently, her article, "Heroines on the Home Front: World War I and the Council of National Defense's Woman's Committee, Missouri Division," appeared in the April 2018 edition of the Missouri Historical Review.