Episode 17: "A River in the City of Fountains" – Amahia Mallea

Season Description

Premiering in September 2018, the Our Missouri Podcast's inaugural season opens with Bob Priddy discussing his book, “The Art of the Missouri Capitol.” From that auspicious start, listeners can explore all corners of the state from Kansas City and the Missouri River Valley to the Governor's Mansion, the Ozarks, and the Land of Big Red Apples. Season 1 also features conversations on key topics, including Genealogy, National History Day, and Missouri's Bicentennial.

Episode Description

Since its earliest days, Missouri has been defined by its rivers. While the Mississippi River gets most of the attention thanks to the literary works of authors like Mark Twain, the Missouri River is actually the longer of the two waterways and travels through more counties in the state than its counterpart. This episode features a conversation with Amahia Mallea about her new book, A River in the City of Fountains, and the complex history of the great river known as the "Big Muddy."


Episode Image: Missouri River Navigation Association, Kansas City, Missouri, 1932 [J. C. Nichols Company Scrapbooks (K0054), SHSMO]