Episode 15: The African American Press in Missouri – Debra Foster Greene

Season Description

Premiering in September 2018, the Our Missouri Podcast's inaugural season opens with Bob Priddy discussing his book, “The Art of the Missouri Capitol.” From that auspicious start, listeners can explore all corners of the state from Kansas City and the Missouri River Valley to the Governor's Mansion, the Ozarks, and the Land of Big Red Apples. Season 1 also features conversations on key topics, including Genealogy, National History Day, and Missouri's Bicentennial.

Episode Description

On April 30, 2019, Debra Foster Greene, professor emerita of history at Lincoln University will give a presentation entitled, "To Educate and Elevate: The African American Press in Missouri," as part of the African American Experience in Missouri Lecture Series. Greene's presentation will be held at the Memorial Student Union's Stotler Lounge on the University of Missouri campus. This episode features Debra Foster Greene discussing notable state newspapers, prominent publishers, the evolution of journalism, and how she came to research Missouri's African American Press.


Episode & Banner Image: St. Louis Argus newspaper office staff [St. Louis Argus Photograph Collection (S0586), SHSMO]