Truman Presidential Library
500 West U.S. Hwy. 24
Is your classroom or history club participating in the 2025 National History Day contest? Are you unsure or interested but don’t know where to start? Are you not participating but still want to dive into historical content?
Join the National WWI Museum and Memorial, Shawnee Town 1929 Museum, and Truman Presidential Library education teams to explore content centered on Rights and Responsibilities in the 20th Century in a free and fun teacher workshop, with complementary food and beverages.
Each team of educators will present their own take on this year’s theme, based on their museum’s historical focus. We’ll also cover important NHD content timelines, rules and updates, as well as where to find free source material.
FREE! With snacks and drinks provided!
RSVP: Email Sadie Troy at to reserve your spot!