Land, Horses, Neat Cattle, Polls and More: Tax Lists and Your Genealogy

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Online via Zoom

Join Coordinator of the Cape Girardeau Research Center Bill Eddleman for the next installment in his genealogy series, focused on using tax lists in genealogy research. Tax lists are used by few family historians but can provide far more information than most suspect. They traditionally have been more difficult to locate than other records, but this is changing as digitized versions appear. This session will discuss the basics of using tax lists for genealogy, including knowledge of legal basis for taxation; types of information collected on real estate, personal property, and combined tax lists; and genealogical information that can be gleaned from tax lists. Specific examples are used throughout. Online and free, registration required.

Register for Genealogy Webinar

Basic Genealogy is a multipart virtual series from Bill Eddleman featuring advice and strategies for researching family histories. Watch past programs anytime for free and on demand.