Episode 66: “Ozark Voices” – Alex Primm (Water & Waterways, Part 6)

Episode Description

Water. Did you ever stop to think just how important water is to your everyday life? From health, sanitation, and nutrition, to transportation, recreation, and cultural identity, water is just as important today as it has been for countless people for generations. Whether it’s the Mississippi River, the Missouri River, or the endless list of rivers, creeks, ponds, lakes, and even fountains that dot Missouri’s landscape, this series is all about water. So, with that, let’s dive right into Water & Waterways.

This episode features a conversation with Alex Primm about his new book, Ozark Voices: Oral Histories from the Heartland, and his 40+ year career alongside the rivers, gravel bars, forests, and people of the Missouri Ozarks.


Episode & Banner Image: Fishermen on the Big Piney River, Pulaski County, Missouri, date unknown [Missouri Ruralist Photographs (P0030), SHSMO]