SHSMO Hosts Art Gallery Giving Campaign

This week, August 5 through 9, SHSMO is hosting a giving campaign in support of its art gallery and art collections.

The art gallery is a signature feature of the State Historical Society of Missouri’s Center for Missouri Studies and welcomed over 6,000 people this year. Featuring permanent and rotating exhibitions, SHSMO’s free gallery helps visitors learn about the past while experiencing world-class art.

"Art is very accessible. Even people who aren't interested in reading scholarly journals or poring through newspapers can look at works of art and immediately begin to understand the past," said SHSMO art curator Joan Stack.

In addition to offering multiple exhibitions each year, SHSMO:

  • Welcomes more than 50 tour groups each year
  • Hosts pop-up exhibitions, featuring student artwork 
  • Travels to schools to help kids learn about Missouri history through art
  • Works to expand the art collection
  • Conserves artwork
  • Offers online art programs and virtual tours, freely available at 

Learn more about SHSMO’s art gallery and art education through SHSMO’s social channels this week. 

To donate, go to