On Agency, James & The Twain Doctrine

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

University of Missouri

102 Tate Hall


Author Matt Seybold, Mark Twain scholar and associate professor of American Literature & Mark Twain Studies at Elmira College, will be giving a talk entitled "On Agency, James, & The Twain Doctrine," which will address the propagandization of Twain during the Cold War and how that legacy still resonates in, but is also complicated by, Percival Everett's James

The presentation is being co-sponsored by the State Historical Society of Missouri and the University of Missouri Department of English. Seybold's presentation will include Missouri-specific content and a discussion of the book, James, by Percival Everett, a retelling of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the perspective of Jim. 

Seybold is the founding editor of MarkTwainStudies.org and serves as the resident scholar at the Center for Mark Twain Studies. In addition to his books on Twain, he is the executive producer and primary host of The American Vandal podcast.