Preserve Missouri Newspapers

Preserve Missouri Newspapers

Thank you for helping expand access to Missouri's newspapers! Your donation helps SHSMO microfilm, digitize, and conserve important everyday stories.

Beginning with the July 26, 1808, issue of the St. Louis Missouri Gazette, the Society’s newspaper collection offers a wealth of information—via print, microfilm, and digital media—about the day-to-day lives of Missourians and the political, cultural, and economic events that influenced them.

Thousands of researchers look to SHSMO’s newspaper collection to document a Missouri story—including their own. Because of your generous support, SHSMO:

· Coordinates the digitization of over 100 newspaper titles each year, providing over 13 million pages and growing!

· Houses nearly 60,000 reels of microfilmed newspapers that can be accessed at six research centers around the state.

· Repairs and cares for fragile print issues, often the last of their kind.

· Actively collects and creates microfilm from over 240 current publications.

Thank you for preserving Missouri’s newspapers!

“Thank you for helping me piece together my family history for myself and my children.” ~SHSMO patron